Friday, January 27, 2006

How To Make A Motocrossbirthday Cake

'm no longer happy

I do not want to forget about all this I'm living with Marito, because I'm still very very happy, I want to reflect in some part because you know how are time and memory. I recall that there was a time I was so happy just thinking about it I get tears of joy. I always remember this time, everything has been perfect, it has been perfect, there have been no problems between us and we are already 5 months of dating. I know it sounds corny, but I feel really. That things have a way so "curious", which seem marked by the "destination". And so it is drawing my way, and I let myself go, because it seems that the road has its own wisdom. I can say I've fallen several times but have never put together so many favorable circumstances around my crushes. I never had fallen in love with the right person at the right time and being reciprocated. Everything was wonderful, do not ever want to forget. Sometimes the weather makes a difference between the pairs, do not know how we'll stand when passing time, you know that I will strive hard to keep it from harm us, but whatever happens, I'll never forget what I'm living now. The word "bliss" really makes sense every day, being with the Marito. Mancita