2. Unrepentant optimists, on the reinterpretation of our past and present.
Militants in bridge-building between disciplines, lives and hopes, from hypertext and human development, socially inclusive models development of medium and long term, credible and mobilizers of resources and wills "beyond the party militants, his vocation cyclopean or sectarian loyalties, caudillo or autocratic, almost always receive feedback from opportunism and short-term myopia to look beyond the nation-state from childhood and youth, built on dialogue, harmony and control from the base of society, acting in networks, to streamline, and deselitizar increase the speed and quality of responses, individually and collectively, in times of transition to cultural mosaic and the paradigm of complexity. I believe in the misalignment of leisure, to reconnect with the leisure-instructional doumazeideiriano or edutainment (UNESCO, 2007) over a lifetime, without exception, but no excuses, from any and all the inhabitants of the earth.
3. The life can be fun, also education, society and the economy ... if we are sufficiently tolerant, patient and imaginative to wait to see it, betting that, with the formula of Benjamin Franklin: "3% inspiration, 97% perspiration. "
not fail.
dreams Let's take time, time, and once Prigoyine said, is all we need is what we have in common with agriculture and which casts evidence that CCIAV Anniversary XXIV, the need to define a path and follow it with obstinacy , against all prediction, until the end.
There is always a price to pay in innovations. We have always been, are and will be willing to pay. Therefore we reaffirm our belief in the idea, creative individuality, of any age and place, and the networks to take our sectors, cultures, languages and economies, the impasse, in which previous generations have left. The leisure is the great summit to conquer, after the death of distance, to make this possible.
As an expression of a vulnerable and invisible sector , although of great potential in the new economy, recovered in our practices communication and community within and outside of cyberspace, the contribution of Nietzsche: "Only the weak are organized" -not to mourn, insult, not the brochure and the complaint- but to propose solutions new dreams, over time, consistent with the clarion visionary Apostle Jose Marti: "Create, create, create, there is the salvation of our people."
We firmly will of the people and their capabilities, to meet, as citizens adversity, the uncertainties-and-wrongs inherited from the past in the present tense, from the world network, cyber pluralistic ... globalization of hope, as crosscutting of work, study, recreation, leadership and the reinvention of the everyday life of everyone, without exception - nor add to or clarify or insult or praise, omissions or silences a priori, or ridiculously apocalyptic as the end of history, now is that it gets good and interesting, with the introduction in the history of the victims of exclusion and poverty- to see another dream dragged crystallize in liberal thought since the nineteenth century, ever, in all the earth: "We will create a nation where aristocracy only possible, it is the talent" (Juan Pablo Duarte y Diez).
Now is the time of talent, criticality and friendship among people, organizations, companies, cooperatives, municipalities, leaders, nations, regions and peoples, lighted steps in internalization, and experiential practice of democratic culture, celebrating differences such as wealth and possibility continuous improvement in processes , subjectivities, products, services, institutions, systems, synergies and partnerships, learning to learn and learning to take to take, to overcome the hindrances of our dreams and our steps and prosperity of everyone in turns radicals indispensable in world views, prejudices and attitudes, in the present tense.
The future is long overdue, we are missing though: "new bottles for new wine." patriarchs do not need new or gurus, only time and new skins for new wine, deep sense of humility and act networks, with love, hard work and hope in the process unpublished, but here to stay, from miniaturization and digitization. Give them time, love, monitoring, resources and opportunity for children and youth, his talent -from public investment, private, community, family and individual-for creative participation, to manage their own processes and pace of learning throughout life-from innovation, education, new technologies and audiovisual, and so All and all together / as, we will overcome the shame and intolerance, accumulated in the great contrasts and asymmetries, social and cultural debt with the excluded, of these more than 500 years of prostration and misery in America ... flourish there, a thousand schools of libertarian thought and action and fraternal.
The XXI century, can be an opportunity to add and save visions of José Ingenieros (1902): "(...) The teacher of the future will be in charge more serious task of society, teaching by example: learning to learn, learning, teaching to do, doing, to teach love, love, art education should be a nice (...) " like other newer voices such as Ginny Tual (1992), in overcoming illiteracy, functional illiteracy and functional illiteracy, from dialogue and cross-fertilization among disciplines, questions and generations "(...) We can teach the criteria to submit to reality and not reality to the criteria. To have no fear of change . A dare to dream and pursue their dreams. A "review what is known as the forbidden thought." We jurarles that the future belongs to them and ask them to take a responsible and conscientious, but also with desire and passion, like a breath of air desperate, without losing the joy of life, to love and to create (...). "
If so, our lives as a generation, have been meaningless and the efforts and utopias of the previous generations, a legacy for the sustainability of life on the fragile ecosystems on earth in our socio-technical environments, each second online / aa the Internet, can help or hinder this process, it is practices, not speeches, initiatives consolidated over time, quantitative and qualitative indicators for see the height of the crystallization process of dreams, with and All: new ways of thinking, evaluating scenarios and acting are compelling, in our societies and cultural, to weave the threads of the survival of the tangible and intangible, to our multiple roots in a world without rules, from active listening and systematically, in a dialogue ab infinitum, between rulers and ruled, groping, more freedom, more transparency, more accountability, more institutional, less bureaucracy, alternative rationalities, each other, with regard to our past, our present and our future .
Now is perhaps the perfect opportunity timely to break always with nostalgia for the mud and the past -Cartesian, messianic, opaque, authoritarian, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, adult-centered, racist, xenophobic and exclusionary-rescue intuition, the party, thought lateral, emotional intelligence, from the social inclusion and human development in the consolidation of participatory democracy from the networks, 24 / 7: to rebuild the social contract and the rule of law, from the infinity emerging identities and creativity of the entire population.
hearings, quality and diversity of content matter more than ever, to the extent that a society based, since its knowledge economy, most in demand more, channels, current, complete, complex, served from multiple platforms, formats, using friendly interfaces , allowing accessibility, usability, navigability, in all sectors of the population, including those men and women , that structural constraints, inherited from the former model, had no opportunity to learn to read and write-but have already incorporated such defect, the monetary system and productive as adults, as well as other, currently floundering in functional illiteracy or semi-illiteracy ... for social inclusion telecentres, when there audiovisual content relevant topics in the agendas of local, regional and national-as well as audiovisual , "at school, college, and in the workplace, are its table salvation of the info-poverty , both as citizens and in its quality human resources as a channel for the reduction of time waiting, the learning curve .
with them and them alone, with all / as they / as we cross the Rubicon of poverty, so the best thing is that everyone, the age groups are well informed to take decisions and participate -critical and creative-on innovation and the pursuit of general welfare and economic prosperity, social, community, family and individual:
NO we have other, citizens, to address the present and the future. Let's be realistic.
Neither the future nor most exist in reality, but for the efforts, accomplishments, failures, hopes and worldviews that This their respective had our parents and grandparents. Today we are the fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, we have as a goal, this present generation and we are obliged to provide answers.
The majority exists only as an exception , as the summation of unstable and hesitant minorities, at a specific time of a given story: therefore understand wills of persons constituting such nuclei as a blank check -to make and unmake, which rulers or ruled / as, they please, does not conform to the ideal and the logic of democratic society, meriting as Montesquieu argued Division of powers, checks and balances, of which at present the media -traditional and emerging writing and electronic and virtual fractal-like individuality, are the most despicable, at least if we agree that there Internet 2.0.
Yoe F. Santos (CC) 2008. Licensed Creative Commons. non-commercial use free reproduction and change, attribution, share alike, Dev-C. Some rights are protected. Reprinted with permission of the author.
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About the author:
Yoe F. Santos . Writer, manager and producer of content: interest management, academic, educational, journalistic, dramatist, feedback in blogs and virtual spaces, poetry, essays, cyber-activist on issues of human development, democracy 24 / 7 and emerging paradigms , modernization, globalization and local cultures, audiovisual, social marketing and languages; Internet and collective memory, social networks and human rights-editor, director radio spots and television consultant and researcher. Born in La Vega (1962), Cibao Region, Dominican Republic, West Indies. Currently, he concludes an essay on how the citizen common - men and women on foot, you are using, in his creative process, the coordination of initiatives and learning- the Internet and digital opportunities in everyday life Wider Caribbean and the Dominican Republic (1990-2007). Changes in the narrative, modes of production, circulation, distribution and consumption of electronic content, spoke about the importance of the capillary, the telecentres - in ministerial strategies for public investment in education, freedom of expression and popular empowerment from the sense-uses for creating circles virtuous, socially inclusive and draw attention to their experiences, in many imagined, in the fight against poverty, exclusion, intolerance and the adult-centrism, proposing the demystification of enriching practices -culture beyond reductionism fine arts, literature and crafts, or privileges of care budget, required by its practitioners to professionals in public funds as a process of everyone, everyday, 24 / 7, as experiential and space for democratic values and humanistic in its refocusing as central and catalytic human development in non-industrialized countries. "New Media, process re-signification and empowerment of active subjectivity, from everyday life, creative processes and otherness in glocalization, emergent narrative and collective memory (1990-2007)." This text seeks to articulate the communicating vessels between cyberspace, cyberculture, e-content, citizenship and the fight against poverty and exclusion in the model of development, from practices and plans, local, regional and national- short, medium and long term in the Wider Caribbean region, on the subject of reflection, the case of the Dominican Republic, in its many social and economic actors, to address the media field, in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on: new media, intercultural dialogue, multicultural and multigenerational, distribution channels and the Internet 2.0, cyberspace and emergent narrative, DR and Gran Caribe ( 1990-2007), telecommunications, manufacturing, distribution and consumption of culture. Impacts on human development, regional integration and citizenship, tangible and intangible contributions, identities, quality of life, education, recreation, renewal export profile, democratization and cultural opportunities, promoting the visibility, the conversion productive, from the empowerment and investment in cultural and creative industries, MSE, beginners and amateurs, its contribution to the ethno-linguistic diversity cultural and global . Currently, Virtual Community Coordinator Socio-Professional Marketing 1 X 1 . Perceived Quality and Value Added Services in the Networking Channel, Neurona.com , Vice - President Social Marketing & Corporate Relations on accommodation!. Com, Tambuye.org, Multidomo. net; Anima blog or personal blog: Leisure & Freedom ( Http://www.lacoctelera.com/ocios-libertad ) and Executive Director, Foundation and Socio-Cultural Solidarity Network , Centro Cultural Exchange Audio Visual , Inc ( CCIAV ): cciav.org, an initiative that will celebrate the upcoming July 8, 2008, the XXIV Anniversary.